Monday, June 23, 2008


Is there a risk that if I write on my blog that we are going out of town soon, that some genius computer hacker will find out and steal my 19 inch analog TV while we are gone? If that happens, can I get a 32 inch HD to replace it?

Is there a risk that the Tampa Bay Rays could be in first place soon? Would I feel better if it was the Yankees breathing down the Sox's necks? We might find out soon.

Is there a risk that I might find myself running down the sidewalk in Branson, Missouri later this week? What if I run smack into Mel Tillis? Or the ghost of Mel Tillis, if he is actually dead?

Is there a risk that the Republicans are actually sandbagging their own expectation for November, and that they could wind up picking up seats in Congress? That one is for Brad, in case he is reading. There is no effing way we lose the majority in Congress. The executve branch, still at risk.

If I were to play "Risk," I would follow the axiom, "Never fight a land war in Asia."

Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.




Carrie said...

Way to sandbag the actual risks associated with going to Missouri and Arkansas...

Anonymous said...

First off Bradley is reading... and is still cautiously optimistic. We may even be able to beat that son-of-a-b**ch Obama... or was that too sexist?

Jim said...

Who are the Tampa Bay Rays???
As for risk, not much in someone stealing your analog set much less replacing it with an HD model. Mel Tillis is alive! I heard him singing "Coca-Cola Cowboy" just the other day on the radio.
And Bush is a history illiterate.


Unknown said...

Forget to take your meds again today, Jay?

Anonymous said...

Bradley is deluded. (Love ya, mean it). Obama is polling double digits above everywhere but Texas. Who's planning the victory party? I need to be surrounded by like minded gente.
Can you take pics of Branson for your blog? Bonus pts for Mel's ghost.
Maddie likes the margarita pics, btw.