Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sad News

The care-free days of the Summer of Jay (4) ended a week ago when we got the news that Carrie's Uncle Dan had died. Thanks to all those who have offered their support to us. I want to keep this short.

Though he stood about 5' 7", Dan was a giant in Carrie's family. His loss leaves a huge void for many, many people. For the 20 years that I knew him, he was never anything but warm and generous towards me. Typically, his relationships with his family and their spouses were complicated. I was lucky, because Dan loved Carrie so much, and he knew that she was happy being with me. The best way that I can honor his memory is to make her laugh, come home every day, and comfort her in times like these.




Anonymous said...

was uncle dan jo's brother, i assume?

jaysummer4 said...

That's right.
Nancois, send me your e-mail address to