Monday, June 29, 2009

Triple Cobra

I came close to skipping today's in-store at Waterloo with San Francisco band Triple Cobra. I had never heard of them, and the temperatures around here give me a feeling of reverse cabin fever, not wanting to leave the house betweeen the hours of 10 AM and 8 PM.
I am so glad I went. This is a rock band that understands that music can be a show. With theatrics, costume changes, bubble machines, choreography, and a lusty vibe, they had it all.
Between the girls in the outrageous costumes, and the charisma of the lead singer, there is a lot to watch, but the music doesn't take a back seat to the visuals. It took me a while to figure out who they reminded of, but once it hit me, it was obvious: Freddie Murcury and Queen. Glam Rock with heavier drums.

The singer has a great rock voice, with hints that he has some formal training in his background.
This first picture is him standing, really balancing, on the rail of the stage during a guitar solo. Never seen anybody try that before.

They were more than backup singers. They were dancers, and even sang co-lead on a song or two. If I heard correctly, they are sisters, and the one on the left designs and makes the outfits.
Costume change in between songs. Awesome.
Triple Cobra is on a tour promoting an album released in 2006, which is not real polished. They've got new material, and are waiting to get signed by a label so they can record again. With the right producer, they could probably make a great album.

Bubble machines for the last song, "It's Still Not Too Late for Us to Die Young."
This show was so much fun, I couldn't get the smile off my face.
Rock on.

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