Saturday, August 29, 2009

More Maine Pictures

As promised, here are more pictures from our trip to Maine. There is some semblance or order, but not much. I did figure out how to upload all the pictures into one blog entry, so I got that going for me.

Blue Mountain State Park. Western Maine, near the immaculate pit toilet.
Maine's state capitol building. Completely unimpressive, but we were close, and I insisted on a drive-by.

Ken and Julie's living room, and our guest room, when the couch was unfolded.

Stairs and support beam for the loft. The door at the right goes into the workshop, the old sanctuary for the church.

Work area and band rehearsal space. It's much larger than it appears in the photo.

Kitchen and dining area, open to the living room. The loft is above this space.

To the left of the house is the garden and greenhouse. Yummy things grow here. We ate raspberries right off the bush.

View from the road on the way to Deer Isle.

We toured some gardens just outside of Acadia National Park. Very tranquil. When the ground thaws, Mainers rejoice in the growing season, even if it is just a few days long.
Carrie, enjoying tea and popovers at Acadia's Jordan Pond.

Acadia views.

View from atop the steeple above Ken and Julie's.

Near Stonington, on Deer Isle.
On our hike near Castine, ME.

Wild roses, seen on a foggy walk after the we recovered from the sea kayaking adventure.

It was low tide, so we could walk across this area that would be under water when the tide was up.

A walk in the woods.

On our way out to sea.
When we were at the the Inn in Weld, they had canoes that guests could use. On our last morning there, I insisted that we take another turn at being on the water. Sort of a redemptive boat journey. The lake was perfectly still, and made for a peaceful outing. No getting lost on a small lake.

We did return safe and sound.
Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing--great pics.


Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful. I bet it's cold as all get out up there by now.