Thursday, July 3, 2008

Chicken On The Run

Okay, here is the picture of Nancy, aka Nancois, a regular reader and leaver of comments on the ol' blog. If you leave comments and want me to make you famous, let me know. Nancois is seen here spicing up the lunch plate at the family reunion. It was a catered affair, if you count KFC, and their plate o' brown food as catering.

Fast food driving tips:
To top off the hotel Taco Bell, Carrie and I stopped for "food" at Burger King, Wendy's, and McDonalds along the way. I generally chose my meal by guessing what would be easy to eat while driving. Standards go out the window. I gotta say that the chicken wrap at Wendy's is better than the chicken wrap at McDonalds.Fried over grilled for flavor, of course. This is not so much a recommendation, as it is a "if you have to choose."

Carrie and I had the best lunch of the summer yesterday. Try to guess where. I will write it up next time, along with some more music stuff.

Hottest June ever is the record books. Bad month for running, but plenty of people still out there with us. Hoping for a july 4th slog with Tara tomorrow.




Anonymous said...

and then i got my own pic on the blog! i'm feelin' famous! x0x0x

Anonymous said...

Good words.