Thursday, July 24, 2008


"They" tell us that we should eat like seven servings of vegetables and fruits every day. How is this possible when french fries don't even count? In my regular, non-summer life, three to four a day is pretty standard for me. Summertime and the blender have really helped me eat more healthy food. It also helps balance the non-healthy "Summer of Jay" indulgences of eating out nearly every day. The list of possible combinations is endless, but if you want to get the veggies in, I recommend carrots and tomatoes. Some leafy greens work on occasion, too. Fruits have included the traditional bananas, and all kinds of berries, usually frozen. Mangoes, peaches, apples go pretty well, too. Some apple juice and yogurt make a good base. Put in enough berries and bananas, and it tastes sweet enough offset the harsher flavors. I usually have a huge one of these every day. It is several hundred calories, I'm sure, but it gets me through the afternoon without too many cravings for Amy's ice cream. Don't know how I'll manage this once school starts again.

Not feeling too adventurous at lunch today, I opted for a Hyde Park turkey burger and fries. As good as the other 50 times I've had that. Old favorites are old favorites for a reason.

I worked a 4 mile tempo run into an 8 miler today. I was nervous about picking up the speed, especially with the humidity, but it went really well.
Splits were: 7:16 (a little fast) 7:26 (compensating) 7:21, 7:19 (just about right.)
I ran 6 with hills and a few hill repeats yesterday, but I did not feel any lingering effects. Happy about that. Plan to 17 miles on Saturday, the farthest I'll have run since Houston in January.

We are finally catching some rain from H'cane Dolly. It'll feel nice getting wet as I walk to the car.



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