Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Running Story

On my long run on Saturday, I kept mostly to the trail around the lake. I left the house early to beat the heat, as if that were possible. Around 7:00, I was on a quiet stretch, east of the interstate, as the sun was coming up over the trees. About 60 yards ahead of me on the trail, I see this man on a bicycle, stopped, and talking on his cell phone. As I get closer, I see that he has his son with him, sitting in a seat on the back of the bike. The kid is maybe two-years-old, and he is watching me closely as I approach. Then the little guy leans out from his seat as far as he can reach, and raises his open hand to me. I know the international sign for "High Five" when I see it. We make eye contact, so there is no way that I can just leave this kid hanging. As I pass, I slide my hand against his little hand, and keep going. After about 10 yards, I turn to look back, and he is twisted around in his seat, looking back at me with a big smile on his face, and waving. That one moment made my whole run. I'm pretty sure that cell phone dad was clueless about the whole event.

The marathon training plan that I am following this time is big on longer mid-week runs. That meant a 13 miler yesterday. I had run just a 2 mile recovery on Sunday, because I was a little worried about how 13 would go, so soon after the 17 miles on Sat. I kept the pace easy, about 20 seconds per mile slower than I had run on Saturday. I felt good the whole way, and did 6 miles today, in the 8:40 range. Some speed work is on tap for tomorrow.




Anonymous said...

when you started talking about the small child outstretching his hand to meet yours i immediately thought.....THAT CHILD HAS BEEN ABDUCTED AND NEEDS HELP! our warped society is getting to me! xoxoxo - nancois

Unknown said...

You tell a GREAT story, Jay! Share that one with your students this year?

Unknown said...

I am with nancois... I had a feeling of impending doom during that story