Easily the most disappointing in-store of the summer was yesterday, when Mickey and the Motorcars phoned one in at Waterloo. I expected way more out of this band, consisting of younger brothers of the main guys from Reckless Kelly. Even if they had been "Reckless Kelly-lite" it would have been better. The vocals had the same Steve Earle-ish sound, but the music was just weak. They had three guys with accoustic guitars, doing the job of one and a half players. They weren't into it, the small crowd wasn't into it, and it was a thankfully short performance. Family connections may open some doors, but if this show was any indication, The Motorcars need a major overhaul.
ok. i have been going along all this time wondering...."what's an in-store"? could someone enlighten me? also, jay, i would like a comment on manny ramirez if you feel the muse.....x0x0x0
An "in-store" is a free live performance by a band, at the record store. Waterloo Records hosts these on a regular basis, and obviously this has been my main source of live music this summer. Usually they are on weekdays at 5:00, with free Shiner beer. Bands usually play 20-45 minutes, often on the day they release a new CD. It is a great way to sample new music, hear bands that I would never pay to see, and decide if a CD is worth buying. More than once, with no intention of buying a CD, a band has swayed me with their live set, and I've bought.
You see some of the same "fans" over and over again. Some like the music, some like the beer. An employee of the store works the keg, and hands out large cups full of brew. The line is long, but it moves fast, earning the worker a few dollars in tips from those of us willing to pay a dollar for a free beer. Karma.
Best in-store ever? No contest. Willie Nelson. He was scheduled to play an outdoor show later that night. During the in-store, a huge storm blew in, canceling the later show. When Willie got word that he would not play that night, he just extended the in-store by about 2 hours. Then he stayed and signed autographs for another hour. I had him sign a Texas flag for me. I've got other Willie stories, but that's my favorite.
I may get to the Manny issue soon, as try to respond to requests.
Thanks, Nancois, for your questions and comments.
in-stores....just another great reason to live in austin.....xo
ps. i'm coming without kids next time......looking for david allen coe......pipedream?
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